That's right! We are having baby Richey #3, and could not be happier to let everyone know! The baby is due in late May, giving us a couple months to adjust to life with three kiddos before school starts in August.
Annnnnd I WILL NOT be pregnant all Summer! Praise that Lamb!
We wanted to wait as long as possible to announce our news to the all. Kyle wanted to wait until we knew if it was a boy or a girl. Yea. Right. I'm not one of the lucky ones who look fantastic through pregnancy, and I've learned that with each pregnancy, you show 62% faster. It's a fact. As the weeks went by, we slowly began telling people...our closest friends...our parents....then Kyndall. She kept it a secret for a week, then could keep it no longer. Poor thing is SO excited she can't stand it!
However, when we initially told her, she was. not. happy.
(I have a weird low voice in's embarrassing :P)
Did you hear Kam in the background? "Baby! Baby!"
After 15 minutes of sobs, she finally calmed down enough to explain she was upset because the new baby would "not come out 1, and won't do anyfing!" The more she thought about it, the more her mind changed. Now she can't wait to "hold dat new baby and give it love, cuz I'll be five!"
So! There it is....we are crazy....but we are basking in our crazy, and loving every minute of it!
Oh....and we are looking at mini vans :S For some reason, that makes me much more uncomfortable than three kids!
That video is awesome!